Sunday, February 24, 2013

Snow in the desert? Nah...

Yes, all you non-desert dwellers are looking at this photo and thinking "So?"  This kind of stuff is what makes desert dwellers go crazy.  Literally.  Suddenly, sane drivers become lunatics.  Half the drivers slow down to 15 mph certain that if they apply their brakes they will go into tailspins.  The other half of the drivers speed up to 60 mph frantic to get around the slow ones.  Honestly people.  It's just some hail.

Last Wednesday we had rain showers/thunderstorms on and off all day.  For once I was working from home and could enjoy it all.  At 5 I took off to get a new phone (love my new iPhone!) and while waiting for them to transfer my contacts the big black nasty-looking cloud in the west snuck up and decided to dump its load.  First a huge boom of thunder and then heavy rain began drumming down.  A lady ran into the store and shouted "It's snowing!" and ran back outside.  It wasn't snowing, not even hailing, perhaps a small amount of sleet.  But 30 seconds later it began to hail - pea-sized stuff.  And it was REALLY hailing.  Withing 2 minutes about an inch of hail had fallen and the parking lot indeed looked like it had snowed.  People were running all over.  The store came to a halt as everyone came to look.  I reached for my phone to take a picture... oh yeah.  They have both of my phones.  Rats.  So this picture was taken about 20 minutes later when the hail had started to melt from the warm engine.

Next morning I still had a bunch of ice on the car.  About a foot square chunk on the hood that hadn't melted.  And after I stopped at the first streetlight I discovered that I had a large sheet up on the roof.  It broke into a few pieces and one came sliding off as I took off.  It slid off onto the hood of the idiot that had pulled up within 2 inches of my bumper.  I'd like to think it taught him a lesson, but I'm sure he won't stop pulling up so close.

We desert-dwellers don't get a huge amount of wild weather so we always freak out/enjoy what little we get.  Today it is very windy - 30 mph.  It feels cold though it is in the 50's.  My wind chimes are dinging out a regular song on the front porch.  Trees in the back are flapping and swaying.  My eyes are itching like crazy - allergies have begun to torment me this year.  Some new pollen or industrial pollutant.  But hey - it's weather!  I'm off to enjoy.